Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Break From CNN (Constantly Negative News)???

While doing my research today I found a few articles that are TOTALLY worth reading and perhaps sharing with your friends and clients.
The first one I found on, Jumbo Loans Could Make a Comeback , which sheds some light on how banks are starting to lend in the jumbo arena, and the criteria they are using to screen clients seeking these loans. I also found a similar article on , BOA Out to Make Jumbo Loans. These articles will be of particular interest to my agents here in the Northeast who have many clients wanting to buy, but unable to secure the appropriate funding needed purchase the $1million+ product in our markets.

On, the article Renters To Turn Buyers as Homes Become Affordable reports that "In some U.S. markets, prices appear to have fallen enough to make buying cheaper than renting."

Finally, from there is a hint from Wall Street that folks there believe that the housing market may have finally reached the bottom. In Betting on a Housing Recovery the authors say that with better-than-expected home sales reports and homebuilder stocks climbing again, that this may signal a housing bottom.

Perhaps that is why these brokers are dancing? :-)....

1 comment:

  1. do YOU agree that we've hit bottom?
    i've just began pouring funds into housing equities, of course i have no clue what i'm doing...which is why i'm asking.
